Something I'm going to try and do more on the site is bring up projects that need attention. I believe with the invention of webisodes and streaming media, the possibilities for new user created content is boundless. One new project I recently discovered was a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fan film entitled "Power Reborn". The trailer for the fan film is already out and there is a kickstarter campaign currently funding the project. It looks like the first episode is due out this fall, and depending on the success of that and future kickstarter funds, we may get more. The trailer looks very promising and after looking at the project, it appears we may have a pretty interesting fan film on our hands. It kind of reminds me of what is being done with Mortal Kombat and the "Legacy" series on YouTube. Check out the trailer for yourself below. I'll also provide links to the Power Reborn pages, so you can show your support if you enjoy it!
Facebook: MMPR
Twitter: MMPR
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